My Name is Alice,
I grew up under the abusive whims of a drug addicted father. He only physically hurt me twice in my whole life, but once is too many. As for emotionally, that was MOST of my life....
The first abuse happened when I was a baby, so I don't remember it. But my mother told me what happened. She was holding me in her arms and my "father" was going through one of his rage moments. He was beating her, with me a baby in her arms... made a mistake and punched me too. I had to be rushed to the hospital. The doctors begged her to put him away, that it was dangerous for both me and her to stay around that man. But my mother didn't love me or herself enough to do that. Still claiming it was an accident. They did tell her that if he beats her, he will began to beat me too. She didn't believe them...
So, the second time was when I was seven. My sister and I were sitting in the living room, playing with a collection of pennies. My "father" was upset and sulking in a nearby chair, angry because he wanted money for drugs and my mother was claiming she didn't have any. She often did this, because she was trying to keep some money so we can eat. Meanwhile, she was in the kitchen, cooking what little food we had for dinner and hoping he would buy the lie....
Since I was the oldest,